Factors Affecting the Work Performance of Employees in Seventh-day Adventist Higher Education Institution in Thailand
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This research presents the factors affecting the work performance of employees in Seventh-day Adventist Higher Education Institution in Thailand. The data analysis involves the demographic data and participants’ satisfaction toward factors affecting the work performance of employees in the institution by answering a questionnaire. There were 145 participants and the data is collected by using questionnaires. Statistical analyses were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, One-Way ANOVA. To compare all pairwise differences, Fisher’ LSD was utilized at the statistical significance level of 0.05. The result revealed only 7 factors that affect the work performance of the sample. Overall, the employees were unsure if they were satisfied. However, if their demographic characteristics were different, these would affect satisfaction level toward some of the factors affecting the work performance differently at the statistical significance level of 0.05
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