Current Issues in Theology and Their Relevance to the Adventist Church: An East Asian Perspective
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This paper comprises three parts: (1) An examination of the missiological challenges that the Church faces in East Asia and the ramifications of such challenges; (2) An exploration of various models proposed by East Asian Christian scholars as to what the Church could do to meet these challenges; and (3) A reflection the significance and impact of these models on the Adventist Church and its mission in East Asia.
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Fanwar, W. M. (2014, May). Death and Burial in the Hebrew Bible. Paper presented at the CEAR Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
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Koning, D. (2014, May). Towards an educated ministry to mourners: Research tools for understanding funeral practices in Southeast Asian mission contexts. Paper presented at the CEAR Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
Koyama, K. (1999). Water buffalo theology. Maryknoll: Orbis Books.
Kumar, A. (2014, April 27). China to have world’s largest Christian population by 2025, religion expert says. CP World. Retrieved from
Kwok, P. L. (2000). Introducing Asian feminist theology. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press.
Kwok, P. L. (2014). Kowk Pui Lan (personal blog). Retrieved from
Kyung, S. L. (2014, June). The Tragedy of the foreign queens in the Hebrew bible. Paper presented at the SABS Conference.
Mejudhon, N. (2005). Meekness: A new approach to Christian witness to the Thai people. In D. Lim, S. Spaulding, P. H. De Neui (Eds.), Sharing Jesus Effectively. Pasadena: William Carey Library.
Mejudhon, N. (1997). Meekness: A new approach to Christian witness to the Thai people (Doctoral dissertation). Asbury Theological Seminary, USA.
Mejudhon, U. (2006). Life Exegesis. In P. H. De Neui & D. Lim (Eds.), Communicating Christ in the Buddhist World. Pasadena: William Carey Library.
Peter, J. (2010, November 21). Water buffalo theology. [review of the book Water buffalo theology, by K. Koyama]. Retrieved from
Pew Research Center (2014). Global religious diversity. Retrieved from global-religious-diversity/
Phetchareun, K. (2014, May). How to honor the dead and minister to the living in Laos. Paper presented at the CEAR Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
Ravasco, G. G. (2004). Toward a Christian pastoral approach to Cambodian culture (Master’s thesis). South African Theological Seminary, SA.
Shifu, M. (2011). Tai Chi definition and history. Retrieved from
Sihombing, B. (2014). ‘I urge you as aliens and strangers, to conduct yourselves honourably among the Gentiles (1 Pet 2:11-12). Paper presented at the SABS Conference.
Song, C. S. (2006, March). All roads lead to Rome? Dignity and diversity in religions. Paper presented at the 32nd World Congress, Kao Hsiong, Taiwan.
Song, C. S. (1979). Third-eye theology: Theology in formation in Asian settings. Maryknoll: Orbis Books.
Song, C. S. (1988). Theology from the womb of Asia. London: SCM Press.
Song, C. S. (1974). New China and salvation history: A methodological inquiry. South East Asia Journal of Theology, 15(2), 52-67.
Tawng, S. (2014). A rereading of Prov 31:10-31 in the context of the family among the Kachin in Myanmar. Paper presented at the SABS Conference.
Thailand Profile (2015). Overseas mission frontier. Retrieved from thailand-profile/
Thanteeraphan, S. (2014, May). Funeral homily: A fresh look at sermons in Thai Christian funerals. Paper presented at the CEAR Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
The World Factbook (n.d.). Retrieved from fields/2122.html
Wang, S. (2014, May). A missiological reflection on Chinese Qingming festival. Paper presented at the CEAR Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
White, E. G. (1942). The ministry of healing. Boise: Pacific Press.
Yung, H. (1997). Mangoes or Bananas? The quest for an authentic Asian Christian theology. Great Britain: Regnum Books International.
Yung, H. (2009). Asian missions in the twenty-first century: An Asian perspective. Lausanne World Pulse Archives. Retrieved from