Jesus and Politics

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Miguel Luna


Jesus and politics explores the circumstances by which His life and teachings were challenged by Jewish leaders and His disciples who misunderstood His messianic mission as a political leader. This article responds on these claims as they are found in the Gospels beginning at the time of His birth until the events of the passion narratives. So throughout the events of the temptation in the wilderness, in the dialogue with James and John, the feeding of the five thousands, His kingship entrance to Jerusalem during the last week of His ministry, in the dialogue with Jewish authorities and in the passion narratives, Jesus clearly demonstrated His mission as the suffering Messiah without any political agenda. The way Jesus presented Himself shows that indeed He was not a political leader but Savior of humanity.

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Academic Articles


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Rensberger, D. (1984). The Politics of John: The Trial of Jesus in the Fourth Gospel. Journal of Biblical Literature, 395-411.

White, E. G. (1990). The desire of ages. USA: Pacific Press Publishing Association.

Tenney, M. C. (1981). The gospel of John. In F. Gaebelein (Ed.), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary (Vol. 9). Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House.