Information, Communication and Technology and Higher Education in Cambodia
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This research is a review of literature concerning the development information, communication and technology (ICT) and its relationship with higher education in Cambodia. There is a concern that there is a lack of research materials linking ICT and the Cambodian higher education system. This study will explore challenges faced by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, higher education in Cambodia, critique ICT in Cambodia, and discuss the level of ICT usage.
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Education Sector Support Program 2001-5. (2001). Royal Government of Cambodia, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. Phnom Penh.
General Population Census of Cambodia 1998. (2000). National Institute of Statistics/Ministry of Planning. Phnom Penh. Retrieved from Resources/226300-1279680449418/7267211-1318449387306/EAP_higher_education_fullreport. pdf Khun, N. How the Internet and social Media is helping School in Cambodia. Retrieved from http://seayouthsayso. com/internet-social-media-schools-cambodia
Knight, C., Knight, B. A. & Teghe, D. (2006). Releasing the pedagogical power of information and communication technology for learners: A case study. International Journal of Education and Development Using Information and Communication Technology, 2(2), 27-34.
MoEYS (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport). (2004). Policy and Strategies on Information and Communication Technology in Education in Cambodia. Retrieved from DownLoads/Publications/ict_edu_en.pdf
National Institute of Statistic. (2002). Ministry of Planning, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Retrieved from http://
Ng, W., Miao, F., & Lee, M. (2006). Capacity-building for ICT integration in Education. Digital Review of Asia Pacific 2009–2010, 67–76.
Oak, M. (2012). Impact of Technology on Education. Retrieved from
Oliver, R. (2002). The role of ICT in higher education for the 21st century: ICT as a change agent for education: Proceedings of the Higher Education for the 21st Century Conference. Sarawak.
Peou, C. & Lwin, M. (2011). Integrating the internet into Cambodian higher education: Exploring students’ internet uses, attitudes and academic utilisation. International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society, 9(2), 95–115. Retrieved from
Peou, C., & Chea, L. (2010). What’s With the Net at Internet Shops and Wi-Fi Cafes in Phnom Penh? A Preliminary Report. Cambodian Communication Review 2010, 55-69.
Peou, C., & Lwin, M. (2011). Integrating the Internet into Cambodian Higher Education: Exploring Students’ Internet Uses, Attitudes & Academic Utilisation. International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society, 9(2), 95.
Policy and strategies on information and communication technology in education in Cambodia. (2005). Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. Retrieved from stories/Documents/Ministries/policyand%20strategies%20on%20ict%20in%20education.pdf
Saray, S. Chea, L. & Peou, C. (2010). Fun friendship and socialization: Facebook by Cambodian users. Cambodian Communication Review 2010, 11-12.
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. (2005). SDC ICT4D Strategy – Where we are, where we want to be, how we get there. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) of the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Teo, T. (2009). Modeling technology acceptance in education: A study of pre-service teachers. Computers & Education, 52(1), 302-312.
The Internet’s Significant Impact on Education. (n.d.). Retrieved from
van der Wende, M.C. (2002). The role of US higher education in the global e-learning market. University of Berkeley: Centre for Studies in Higher Education.
Worldpopulationreview: Cambodia population 2014. Retrieved from countries/cambodia-population/
You, V. (2007). Country paper on making a difference: ICT in University Teaching/Learning and Research in Southeast Asian Countries – The case of Cambodia”, paper presentation at the Regional Seminar on Making a Difference, August 24, 2007,Jakarta, Indonesia.