Factors Influencing Purchase Intention toward Low-Cost Carriers: The Case of Chinese In-bound Passengers to Thailand
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During the past ten years, the numbers of Chinese in-bound passengers to Thailand has increased exponentially due to the dramatic growth of Chinese middle-income consumers. Prior research has paid little attention to explaining why and how Chinese tourists choose low-cost carriers. This study fills this gap by exploring the factors that influence purchase intentions of Chinese passengers to Thailand in choosing low-cost carrier services. Specifically, this study examines how brand awareness of the low-cost carrier, perceived quality, perceived value, and brand attitude influence passenger purchase intentions. The responses from 387 Chinese passengers at Don Mueang International Airport in Thailand were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling. The model fit result reveals that brand awareness, tangible and empathy dimensions of perceived quality, and perceived value have a positive influence on brand attitude, and consequently brand attitude positively influences purchase intention. A result of this study could be guidelines for designing efficient marketing strategies for low-cost carrier service providers to better attract a growing number of outbound Chinese tourist.
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