Understanding Consumers’ Mobile Banking Adoption through the Integrated Technology Readiness and Acceptance Model (TRAM) Perspective: A Comparative Investigation

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Sharon C. Simiyu
Phanasan Kohsuwan


The study compared the differences and similarities in mobile banking adoption in developed and developing economies, specifically Australia and Kenya. Technology Readiness and Acceptance Models were used to examine the responses of 450 participants from each country through an online questionnaire. Results from structural equation modeling indicated that whereas Optimism and Innovativeness significantly influenced customers’ perceived ease of use and usefulness of mobile banking in Kenya, they did not have the same effect in Australia. Insecurity and Discomfort have a significant negative influence on the perceived ease of use and usefulness of mobile banking in Australia, but discomfort did not affect perceived ease of use in Kenya. In terms of satisfaction and loyalty, only perceived usefulness failed to affect satisfaction of customers in Australia. These results strengthened conclusions drawn from previous studies, particularly in affirming knowledge that Discomfort had no negative effect on perceived ease of use in Kenya (developing economy), a result not yet stated by many existing studies. Business practitioners and policy-makers, especially in Kenya, could benefit from the findings of this study through sensitizing people to the significance of comfortability in handling technology and its applications, with clear emphasis on financial transactions.

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