A Study of Environmental Hazards Causing Unintentional Injuries in Bangkok Metropolitan Area Day Care Centers
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The purpose of this research was to study environmental hazards causing unintentional injuries in Bangkok day care centers. Most such studies among preschoolers have shown a correlation with environmental hazards. The sample group consisted of 45 day care center teachers and volunteer babysitters. Interviewer-completed questionnaires were used to gather information from respondents, and day care centers were naturalistically observed in accordance with an Environmental Hazards Survey. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistical analysis. Results revealed that most environmental hazards were sharp or square-edged objects. Poisoning was caused by poisonous substances or medicines lying on the floor or on objects located less than 1 meter from it. Burns/scalding were produced by electrical appliances or stoves located less than 1 meter from the floor. Slips/falls were because of furniture, televisions, or other objects which children could pull or climb on. Moreover, drowning was a result of water containers inside day care centers. Lastly, hazardous stairways were those with steps wider than 15 centimeters. Findings suggest that health care providers should educate teachers or volunteer babysitters at day care centers by using guidelines from an environmental hazards survey to create a safe environment for protecting against unintentional injuries.
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