Facebook Integration and Its Measurement of Success for Fundraising Activities by Private International Universities in Thailand

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Diana Riesenberger
Henry Foster


Social media continues to grow, and many universities use it for communication. Facebook is integrated into more recruitment and fundraising campaigns. Private international universities occupy a unique niche within Thailand. While Thailand is active online, it was unknown if Facebook was being used by universities for fundraising. This study used two approaches consisting of quantitative and qualitative research design. Detailed Facebook data were collected from 12 institutions. Questionnaires administered via interview of marketing and advancement staff were conducted with selected universities. One research purpose was to determine the relationship between types of university Facebook posts and users’ responses. The second purpose was to determine if there was any relationship between Facebook posts and funds raised as a measurement of success. Data was analyzed using Pearson’s correlation, Chi-square, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and Fisher’s exact. Four statistically significant relationships were discovered between university Facebook post categories and users’ responsiveness. Although no association was found between frequency of Facebook posting and success measurement, some universities shared success stories. It was concluded that private international universities in Thailand were still developing strategies for Facebook fundraising integration. Further research was recommended in this area to understand why some institutions were more successful than others.

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