The Impact of In-Store Marketing Stimuli and Post-Purchase Evaluation of Impulse Buying: A Study of Mass Color Cosmetics Retail Markets in Bangkok
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Impulse buying plays an essential role in consumer buying behavior, and is a crucial source of profitability. Many studies primarily focus on identifying its antecedents while the investigation of its potential consequences remains understudied. Thus, this study employs structural equation modeling to examine the impact of in-store marketing stimuli and post-purchase evaluation of impulse buying from 780 female consumers who were 18 to 45 years old, with the income between 7,501-85,000 baht, and impulsively purchased mass color cosmetics in Bangkok. The data were collected by a personadministered survey, and the results revealed that music, salesperson and acceptance of a credit card, respectively encouraged impulse buying opportunities, but it can be reduced by price promotion. While impulse buying was found to have a positive influence on customer satisfaction, which further encourages positive post-purchase behavioral intentions, cognitive dissonance was found to reduce customer satisfaction. This study thus provides a more complete theoretical comprehension of impulse buying mechanisms by incorporating both antecedents and consequences. Marketing practitioners can utilize the findings in planning compelling marketing strategies.
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