Wikipedia Writing Assignments: A One-year Pilot Program in Chemistry Classes at Mahidol University

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Athikhun Suwannakhan
Taweetham Limpanuparb


We discuss a pilot implementation of Wikipedia writing assignments in three chemistry courses at the Mahidol University International College. Thirty eight out of 70 undergraduate students opted to write articles relating to their classes on the English Wikipedia as an alternative to a paper-based exam. As part of the assignments, 64 articles were created or improved by the students, but other voluntary contributions, during and after the courses, were also significant. Preliminary results collected over one academic year (September 2014 – December 2015) confirm that our current practice not only benefits student learning but also promotes 21st century learning (i.e. student-centered learning) and contributes to the free knowledge movement. Students’ motivation to participate in a Wikipedia assignment and the difference in course outcomes from those who took a paper-based exam are also discussed in the paper. Our practice may be transferable to chemistry or science courses in other settings.

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