Mediating Effect of Personality Traits on Religiosity and Ethical Leadership: Basis for a Leadership Development Program

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Lolina T. Mostaza
Reuel E. Narbarte
Francisco D. Gayoba
Robert Borromeo
Jolly S. Balila


The study aimed to determine the mediating effect of personality traits on religiosity and ethical leadership as the basis for a leadership program. The relationships of variables were determined using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). A validated questionnaire was administered to 265 respondents from 27 Christian institutions in the Philippines. These institutions were grouped into small clusters as follows: (1) Mission/Conference; (2) College/University; and (3) Hospital. A greater proportion (106, or 40.0%) of respondents were 50 years old or more, while 29.4% were aged 41 or less, and 26.4% were from 42 – 49 years old. There were more male administrators (55.8%) than females. The findings showed that administrators were highly religious, open to experience, conscientious, extraverted, and agreeable. Further results revealed that the administrators were highly ethical. Moreover, a significant positive relationship was found between religiosity and personality traits, as well as between religiosity and ethical leadership, along with between personality traits and ethical leadership. Agreeableness, openness to experience, and conscientiousness predicted ethical leadership. However, there was a significant difference in ethical leadership between Bachelor and Master’s degree holders. Further results revealed that personality traits fully mediated the relationship between religiosity and ethical leadership.

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