Unplugging Pornography: Equipping Parents and Teachers to Fight the New Drug, and Helping Students Stay Pure

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Gabriela A. Dumitrescu


Pornography is overwhelmingly prevalent today. It has become the pervasive cancer of our society, sweeping across the world and infecting individuals of any age, gender or race. It is relentlessly trying to invade homes, workplaces, churches and schools nevertheless, and our Christian/Adventist schools make no exception. But there is good news in the battle against pornography. Many dedicated people are addressing the problem and using the research and resources available to fight the new drug. As a Christian psychologist, I am joining forces with all these dedicated people to raise awareness against the devastating effects of pornography and equip parents, teachers, students, and young people in general fight the new drug. Research directed at risky behaviors in general, and pornography in particular, indicates the crucial role families and schools play in preventing, educating and reducing such behaviors and the prevalence of addictions. Biblical and faith based concepts will be integrated into this discussion. Specific suggestions and ideas for preventing and fighting pornography addiction in the home and school setting will be provided.

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