Contributing Factors to Students’ English Speaking Performance at Universitas Klabat
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This study aimed to know what factors contributed to the English speaking performance of students at Universitas Klabat, Manado, Indonesia, during the 2015/2016 year of study. Thirty-six variables were adapted from three different questionnaires and converted into a new questionnaire. This study used exploratory analysis with principal factor extraction; four attributes were extracted, with 26 remaining variables. The participants in this study were 108 students majoring in English, specifically those who were taking a Speaking and Listening class. The four attributes that contributed to students’ English speaking performance were environment, peers, teacher, and related technology. The environmental was the factor that contributed the most to their speaking performance, while the least variance was explained by the technology used. Gender did not have a significant influence on English speaking performance. A one-way Anova test showed that only one factor was significantly related to English speaking performance (F (3,104) = 2.948, p = 0.036). The four attributes explained 60.76 percent of the total variance in students’ English performance.
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