Publication Trends and Profiles of Thai Scholarly Articles in Translation Studies: A Bibliometric Approach
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The study aims to identify the trends and features of accumulated research in the discipline of Translation Studies (TS) in Thailand. The study applies a bibliometric method for analysis of research activities, research profiles, and journal profiles. The data was gathered from one of Thailand’s local academic databases, Thai-Journal Citation Index Centre. As a result, 144 articles were selected from the database. From the findings, it clearly appears that the number of research and academic articles has been increasing over the last ten years and has been following an upward trend with a steady output over the last 20 years. As for research profiles, half of the 144 articles are based on translation methodological perspective, followed by the educational perspective. Most of productive journal published articles related to TS but they are not specialized journals for TS. As a result, multidisciplinary articles were observed not only in language-specific journals, but also in varied disciplinary journals.
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