Effects of Cross-cultural Adjustment of Chinese Expatriates in Thailand on Perceived Supervisor Support and Subordinates’ Commitment
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The contribution of expatriates’ cross-cultural adaptation to perceived supervisor support and subordinate commitment was investigated. Survey data were collected from Chinese expatriates who held supervisory positions at subsidiaries of Chinese companies in Thailand. In order to prevent common method bias from single-source data collection, data that measured cross-cultural adaptation were collected from Chinese expatriates, whereas data that measured perceived supervisor support and subordinates’ commitment were collected from Thai employees who worked for Chinese expatriates. A sample of 169 pairs of expatriates-subordinates was obtained. The results from partial least squares structural equation modeling showed that Chinese expatriates who exhibited a higher degree of cross-cultural adaptation tended to be evaluated more favorably in terms of perceived supervisor support. However, this positive contribution was only found among respondents who had longer length of work relationships. Analysis also showed that the contribution of cross-cultural adaptation to subordinate commitment was fully mediated by perceived supervisor support.
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