Why Do Millennials Leave?
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Millennials, also known as Gen Yers, are a unique generation, different from their predecessors in many ways, particularly in their short-term commitments and organizational stays. Reputed to be a generation with extremely high turnover rates as a result of job-hopping, this has proven to be extremely costly and frustrating to organizations. The purpose of this study was to have a closer look at the employment history of Millennials in Bangkok, Thailand. It also investigated the personal reasons behind job changes and, more importantly, the typical factors behind Millennial exits. A total of 30 working Millennials participated in a 30 to 45-minute structured, face-to-face in-depth interviews over a period of four months. The results of the study indicated that the top four most cited Personal Reasons for Changing Jobs and Factors behind Millennial Exits were the same: (1) The job itself, (2) the need for higher compensation, (3) no career growth and learning opportunities, and (4) an unfavorable organizational culture. The results also indicated that there were many similarities in the behavior of Millennial turnover behavior in Thailand with those reported elsewhere in Western-based literature.
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