An Overview of Karl Barth’s Theology: Focused on the Doctrines of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit

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Sanghoon Jee


Karl Barth, the founder of neo-orthodoxy, is one of the most influential theologians in the modern Christian world. He has turned the direction of the stream of Protestant theology in the twentieth century. The purpose of this study was to give an overview of the theology of Karl Barth. This is useful in order to gain an accurate grasp of the trends in modern Christian theology. After a brief survey of his life and works, this study provides an overview of Barth’s theology, focusing on three major areas of his theology: the doctrines of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. In order to give a better understanding of trends in modern Christian theology, Barth’s emphasis upon the transcendence of God, the centrality of Jesus Christ in Christian theology, and the importance of the Holy Spirit in the Trinity cannot be ignored. In a word, Barth’s theology has both a continuity with and a discontinuity from liberal theology at the same time.


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Academic Articles


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