The Mediating Role of Perceived Value and Customer Satisfaction on the Relationship between Service Convenience and Loyalty: A Case Study of a Private Bank in Myanmar
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The aims of this study were to investigate the impact of service convenience dimensions on loyalty, and the sequential mediating effects of perceived value and customer satisfaction on the relationships between service convenience dimensions and loyalty. In this study, emphasis was placed on the dimensions of service convenience, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and loyalty. A quantitative research approach was used to investigate valid responses (N = 442) collected via a questionnaire survey from the users of a private bank in Myanmar. Multiple regression analysis was used to assess the data. Decision convenience and post-benefit convenience had a significant positive impact on loyalty, and perceived value and customer satisfaction sequentially mediated the relationship between service convenience dimensions and loyalty. Dimensions of service convenience were the drivers of loyalty and had direct or indirect influences through perceived value and customer loyalty. The findings contribute to a better understanding of the service loyalty context in respect to service convenience dimensions, perceived value, and customer satisfaction.
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