The Influence of Social Media on Exercise Intention: A Case Study of Millennials in Taiwan
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In this study the impact of social media on the intention of millennials to exercise was explored. Factors including social norms, recognition, exercise imagery, and subjective exercise knowledge, viewed from a social media context, can influence the intention to exercise. Subjective norms, attitude, perceived behavioral control, and intention were variables considered under the Theory of Planned Behavior. An online survey was used to collect information from 440 respondents comprising both university students and members of public sport centers in Taipei, Taiwan. Structural Equation Modeling was used to analyze the data. The results indicated that social norms, recognition, and subjective exercise knowledge from social media positively impacted millennial’s intentions to exercise. These findings can be used to develop effective marketing strategies in the fitness industry by customizing for the different factors listed previously. Future studies should determine the differences that may exist among members of different demographic groups and in different forms of social media.
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