Filipino College Students’ Perspectives on the Challenges, Coping Strategies, and Benefits of Self-Directed Language Learning in the New Normal
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COVID-19 pandemic posed different challenges among teachers and learners worldwide. To add to literature regarding teachers’ and learners’ responses towards the pandemic, this study sought to determine the challenges and coping strategies of self-directed language learners. Anchored in the Zone of Proximal Development Theory, utilizing a case study design, eight randomly sampled college self-directed language learners from three purposively and conveniently sampled higher educational institutions in the Philippines were interviewed. Three teachers and two parents were also interviewed for triangulation. Emerging themes revealed that the self-directed language learners have difficulty consulting with teachers, logistical issues and poor Internet connections, and family commitment and distractions. To cope with these challenges, they developed time management and self-discipline, cultivated self-reliance, and prepared contingency plans. Moreover, they gained self-motivation and academic independence while employing self-directed language learning in the new normal. This implies a positive adaptation to a new normal way of studying.
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