The Apostle Paul on Homosexuality: A Critical Analysis
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In recent times, more homosexual people are becoming open with their sexuality. Given this observation, this study aims to investigate the connection between the Christian Bible and homosexuality within the Christian faith. Using critical analysis, this study analyzed the historical background of chosen Bible texts through the exegetical method. The immediate context of the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans in A.D. 57 regarding homosexuality was examined and compared with the situation in today’s world. For instance, Paul’s upbringing could have impacted his writing and thoughts on homosexuality, as some parts of his letter were quoted or paraphrased from contemporary philosophers of his time. Moreover, the social sexual construction in Tarsus, the city where Paul was raised, had a strong masculinity affinity linked with power and domination, which may have had an influence on this letter to his audience. The findings of this study attempt to address certain questions pertaining to the handling of issues between homosexual people and the church, which includes considerations for the church to prepare itself to respond biblically to homosexual members.
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