Financial Self-Efficacy, Performance, and Happiness Index of Teachers in Saraburi Province, Thailand: Basis for an Intervention Program
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In this descriptive correlational study, significant relationships were investigated among financial self-efficacy, teaching performance, and a happiness index. Teachers’ financial challenges were also examined. The participants in the study were teachers in both private schools and government schools in the 13 districts of Saraburi Province, Thailand. A self-constructed survey questionnaire was employed with five dimensions for each variable. A two-stage sampling design was applied to acquire the sample population used in the study. The data collected from 615 respondents were analyzed using frequency, mean, percentage, one-way Analysis of Variance, and Pearson’s correlation. The data revealed significant relationships among the three variables: Financial self-efficacy, teaching performance, and the happiness index. The results also showed teachers’ top three financial challenges: (a) they were currently in debt, (b) they did not treat savings as an expense, and (c) they lacked emergency funds. An intervention program was suggested that focused on professional development and creation of a Financial Counseling Center for Teachers to increase their financial self-efficacy.
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