The Bible and Health: The Miracle of Healing
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The Bible is considered a divinely inspired book by Christians and provides moral and living guidelines encompassing all aspects of life, including physical, mental, spiritual, and social health. Theologically, the Bible is the basis of all Christian beliefs, including the concept of origins, the problem of pain, and the restorative plan of God for humanity. In terms of restorative theology, some Christian denominations adopt health-related principles from the Bible as part of their beliefs in God’s plan for human well-being. In this paper, the intersection of health-related biblical principles and modern health science is examined, focusing on comparing diet practices in the Bible with recommendations made by modern nutritional scientists. Comparative literature analysis was used to take biblical principles and contrast them with literature produced by nutritional and medical scientists, along with the experiences of practitioners. The findings indicated that biblical practices, such as quarantine instructions to limit disease spread and recommendations to eat plant-based foods, are readily accepted and endorsed by public health authorities. The study provides evidence that health-related biblical principles remain impactful in the modern field of medicine.
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