A Correlational Study on the Relationship Between Individual Religious Practices and Life Satisfaction, Depression, and Anxiety Among Seventh-day Adventists Aged 18 to 40 in Singapore

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Bayu Kaumpungan
Lerie Grace Paculanang


Religion may have an important role in society, but for many it has lost its relevance. Therefore, there is a moving away from religious organizations and practices. The involvement of people with religion and its practices has shifted significantly particularly among the younger population in society. In this study the relationship was investigated between individual religious practices, mental health, and life satisfaction. Forty one Seventh-day Adventists, aged between 18 and 40, from Singapore participated in the study. Correlational analysis was used to investigate the relationship between frequencies of Sabbath School study, personal prayer, and devotional time with life satisfaction, depression, and anxiety. The results obtained indicated that the relationships between life satisfaction, depression, and anxiety were statistically significant. However, none of the individual religious practices had a statistically significant relationship with life satisfaction, depression, and anxiety. The findings of this research provide data that will enrich the knowledge on the importance of religion among the younger Seventh-day Adventist population.

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Research Articles
Author Biography

Lerie Grace Paculanang, Asia-Pacific International University, Thailand

Graduate Student, Department of Education, Asia-Pacific International University


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