The Effect of Collaborative Strategic Reading and Reciprocal Teaching on Reading Comprehension Among Middle School Students
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This study aimed to: (a) promote reading comprehension skills among middle school English Language Learners (ELL) and (b) determine whether Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) or Reciprocal Teaching (RT) was more effective for promoting reading comprehension. In total, 55 ELL students, ages 12–14, were conveniently sampled into one of two cooperative learning technique interventions. Classroom A received CSR instruction while Classroom B received RT. Interventions occurred biweekly for six weeks. A quasi-experimental pre-test, post-test research design was utilized whereby the effects of CSR and RT were investigated based on participants’ reading comprehension assessment scores. Pre-test results indicated that CSR participants had an average score of 69.56%, while the RT students averaged 66.57%. At α = .05, there was no significant difference between the CSR and RT groups at pre-test (p = .42). Then, students in each group received 10 treatment sessions entailing approximately eight hours. The post-test assessment was completed during session 12. Post-test analysis revealed an increase in total score for the CSR group (M = 5.11), and this growth is attributed to the improvement in the vocabulary subtest (M = 16.83), implying that CSR was beneficial in promoting vocabulary skills. The RT group experienced no statistically significant gains.
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