Roles of Perceived Knowledge, Risk, and Trust in Cybersecurity Solution Implementation: A Study in Bangkok, Thailand

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T Dau Naw
Phanasan Kohsuwan


Thailand has adopted an economic model (Industrial 4.0) that merges physical manufacturing processes and services with digital connectiveness. Hence, cybersecurity cannot be ignored. The aim of this research was to promote cybersecurity awareness among technology and information executives, along with top-level managers, develop a more efficient security management system, and implement an effective cybersecurity framework for the private and public sectors in Thailand. An extension of the Technology Acceptance Model was developed that used three variables, namely, perceived knowledge of cybersecurity, perceived risk of cyberattacks, and perceived trust in cybersecurity solutions. A quantitative research approach was used to collect data from both online and offline survey forms (N = 394). Exploratory Factor Analysis, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, and Structural Equation Modeling were used to analyze this data. The findings permitted the Technology Acceptance Model to be extended. Positive relationships were found among perceived knowledge of cybersecurity, perceived risk of cyberattacks, and perceived trust in cybersecurity solutions. These variables, together with perceived ease of use, usefulness, and attitude towards using cybersecurity solutions, all played a pivotal role in organizations/businesses in Thailand and their intention to implement cybersecurity solutions.

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Research Articles


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