Boosting English Teaching Skills and Techniques for Primary Teachers through Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Training Program

Boosting English Teaching Skills and Techniques for Primary Teachers through Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Training Program


  • ลลนา ปฐมชัยวัฒน์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏนครปฐม


Keywords: Professional training program, Professional Learning Communities (PLC), English teaching training program, professional development for teachers


The purpose of this research was to study the satisfaction level of the administrators as well as the teachers with the professional learning communities training on English teaching practice for element teachers in Nakhonpathom, Thailand. This pilot study is considered as a quantitative research using the questionnaire. The sample of the study was the administrators and non-English major teachers in the primary schools of Nakhonpathom province, Thailand, who participated in the Professional Learning Communities training. Statistical methods included a percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The reliability of the questionnaire is .85.
The research findings indicated that the overall satisfaction on the training program management as well as other concerns were at the high and highest levels. The results of the study were ordered ranging from the highest to the least level: 1) the participants’ personal details, 2) the knowledge and information about the Professional Learning Communities (PLC), 3) the problem and solution on English teaching in primary schools, 4) the knowledge of English teaching techniques, 5) the overall management of the program. The study suggests that there should be continuous training programs for the administrators and teachers through different English teaching methods and approaches for both English major teachers and non-English major teachers.
Keywords: Professional training program, Professional Learning Communities (PLC), English teaching training program, professional development for teachers


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