
องค์กร; ภาครัฐ; รัฐบาลดิจิทัล


  • silawat chaiwong -


Upgrading, government organizations, dingital government.


The purpose of this article is to present an organizational transformation towards Digital government is a form of digital technology, be used as a tool for government administration and public service by improving the management and integration of government information and working to be consistent and linked together in a secured and good governance. To increase efficiency and facilitate public service disclose government information to the public and create participation of all sectors. Transforming the public sector into digital government is one of the government's key strategies to increase the country's economic competitiveness.

Due to public administration, which is an important engine to raise the level of national administration and providing public services with digital technology to make the operation transparent efficient and effective which will make the Thai government progress to catch up with the world and can compete in the modern world making communication between the people and the people and the public and the government possible more quickly.

It also increases the opportunity for the public to participate in defining and reflecting the demand for government services, including monitoring the work of the government to ensure transparency, so that the government's manpower is aware of the urgent need to change the context. Forms and methods of working in the public sector to be ready on both sides "Mindset" (Mindset) and "Skill" (Skill).  Transforming to Digital Government reduce redundancy and increase the efficiency of sharing digital technology resources and services. It is upgrading government organizations to become digital governments.


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