Factors that Affect Law Enforcement on Promotion of Non-Formal and Informal Education
education, non-formal, informal education, factors that affect law enforcement on promotion of non-formal and informal education act, B.E.2551Abstract
This article is part of research in the early stages of research on the topic is a study of law enforcement on promotion of non-formal and informal education act, B.E.2551. The objectives of this research are: 1) to study problem and obstacle to enforce the law, promote non-formal and informal education act, B.E.2551 2) to analyze the factors that affect law enforcement, promote non-formal and informal education act, B.E.2551 and 3) to prepare guidelines for enforcement of this act to be more effective. The study consisted of two phases: 1) to explore the factors effecting law enforcement, promote non-formal and informal education act, B.E. 2551 and 2) to verify and make recommendations on them. A study of obstacle to various factors. Affecting law enforcement, promote non-formal and informal education act, B.E. 2551. The results of the survey were analyzed in order to get important issues for the proposed guidelines for enforcing of nonformal and informal education act, B.E. 2551 study by the Office of the samples of non-formal and informal education, Bangkok and Chiang Mai Khon Kaen Rayong Nonthaburi and Surat Thani, non-formal and informal education area /district. This is represented by the use of multistage random sampling method conducted a random stratified according to the size of the office promoting non-formal and informal education Province/ Bangkok. The sampling is simple random sampling for instruments used in the research consisted of questionnaires and interview schedule and statistical methods used in the research were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis.
The results of the analysis of the factors that affect law enforcement are as follows. In law enforcement on promotion of non-formal and informal education act, B.E.2551 with the following issues: 1) Educational Management 2) Educational Administration and Management 3) the involvement of partners 4) equality 5) the right to be educated 6) the role and authority of the commission and 7) the role and authority of the office of non-formal, for law enforcement on promotion of non-formal and informal education act, B.E.2551 in each region are as follows: 1) participation, 2) knowledge and understanding, 3) use the law 4) the independence and flexibility 5) clarity and appropriateness of content and 6) time to enforce and revision.
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บทความหรือข้อความคิดเห็นใด ๆ ที่ปรากฏในวารสารฉบับนี้เป็นวรรณกรรมของผู้เขียนโดยเฉพาะ คณะนิติศาสตร์มหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ และกองบรรณาธิการไม่มีส่วนรับผิดชอบหรือไม่จำเป็นต้องเห็นด้วยกับข้อคิดเห็นนั้น แต่ประการใด