AI On The Legal Path


  • Punthip Navanuch School of Law, North-Chiangmai University


Artificial Intelligence,, Legal Profession


           Advances in digital technology and innovations have caused disruptions in various aspects of society. Computer intelligence, also known as "artificial intelligence" or AI, has precipitated disruption and societal change. AI has been harnessed as a mechanism for understanding and solving problems, thus assuming a pivotal role in both human life and the education system, especially within the legal profession. It facilitates limitless learning across time and space, enabling education to occur ubiquitously and at any time. Consequently, bolstering graduates' digital technology skills becomes essential for their ability to adapt to technological disruptions and societal transformations. Therefore, teaching AI serves as preparation for impending changes in the legal education system. However, even though AI can perform certain tasks within the legal profession instead of humans, it can only serve as an assistant for specific functions. Complex legal competencies, such as negotiation, court case presentations, judgment writing, and the ethical work of lawyers, are abilities that AI cannot replicate as effectively as humans. Consequently, it is imperative for lawyers to enhance their knowledge and skills in AI technology. The challenges of collaboration between human lawyers and AI must be effectively addressed to accommodate forthcoming changes.


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How to Cite

Navanuch , P. . (2024). AI On The Legal Path . Huachiew Chalermprakiet Law Journal, 14(2), 177–189. retrieved from



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