The purposes of a studied motivated enrollment of secondary school student in sisaket province
Motivation, secondary school studentAbstract
The main objectives of this research are 1) to study motivation of making a choice in the universities for the secondary school students and 2) to compare the motivated enrollment. The samples have 375 students from the secondary school in Sisaket province and a studied tools comprises questionnaires, frequency, percentage, standard derivation, t-test, one-way-ANOVA and Scheffe method. The result found that (1) The studied motivated enrollment of the secondary school students in Sisaket province: the most of the sample are female who are studying at grade-12 with average grade point between 2.51 and 3.00. Their parent are merchants or freelance and the parent is responsibility for tuition fee. (2) In summary for testing assumptions, considering the motivation for the enrollment of students found that gender is not significant but background, the quality of universities and its environments. Considering on overview and details, it is different when focusing on gender where female are more slightly motivative than male but average grade point, parent’s occupation and income.
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