The study of executive secretary Sisaket Rajabhat University
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The purpose of this research was to 1) to know the competency of the executive secretary of Sisaket Rajabhat University, 2) to know the guidelines for developing the desired competency of the executive secretary of Sisaket Rajabhat University. This research is a descriptive research using the population and specifying the sample from the executive secretariat practitioners at the faculty, colleges and offices of Rajabhat Sisaket University. The researcher determined the competency of the university administrators. Sisaket Rajabhat University is divided into 5 competencies which are 1) Aim for Achievement 2) Good Services 3) Gaining Expertise in Career 4) Adherence to Rightfulness and Ethics 5) Teamwork. The results of the research showed that Competency of Executive Administrators of Rajabhat University Sisaket overall in a high level and when considering each aspect, in a high level, in all aspects. Which the development of desirable competencies of the executive secretary of Sisaket Rajabhat University The overall picture is in a high level. Equivalent to 3.81 percent. There is a way to develop competencies at a high level. In order of descending order as follows accumulate expertise Study Practice creating a work plan and write operation manual. Attend training to adjust the attitudes and concepts, focusing on the achievement of the tasks assigned by the study of knowledge. From the work done and practice various skills Leadership training. By training to be courageous and assign tasks that require decisions Analytical work by studying the plan in detail. And to analyze job description, develop one's own potential by creating a systematic self-development plan and practice working as a team. By having group discussions, organizing activities, exchanging ideas and work experiences.
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