An effectiveness of Three-Year Development Plan, Kuinuae Sub-District Administrative Organization, KuiBuri District, PrachuapKhiri Khan Province ประสิทธิผลในการจัดทำแผนพัฒนาสามปี ขององค์การบริหารส่วนตำบลกุยเหนือ อำเภอกุยบุรี จังหวัดประจวบคีรีขันธ์

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ชญาภา รังวิจี


The objectives of this research is to 1) assess an effectiveness of Three-years development plan, Kuinuea Sub district Administrative Organization. 2) study the factors for creating Three-years development plan, that affect the effectiveness of Three-years development plan of Kuinuea Sub district Administrative Organization. The sample group is 122 family leader of each village in the territory of Tambonkuinuea. The research tool is questionnaire and the statistics used are frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, variance and multiple regression analysis. The research found that 1) The overall picture aspect of an effectiveness of Three-years development plan is at a high level. When considered the individual aspect, it was found that the quality of plan aspect of an effectiveness ranks first followed by citizen’s satisfaction and citizen’s participation. As for factors for creating Three-years development plan, the overall picture shows the mean at high level. When considered individual aspect, it was found that the regulations of plan making ranks first followed by the communication, resources and knowledge and understanding of plan making respectively.        2)Personal characteristic that affect an effectiveness of Three-years development plan of Kuinuea Sub district Administrative Organization. Is income significance of .01 The factors for creating Three-years development plan that affect an effectiveness of Three-years development plan, Kuinuea Sub district Administrative Organization. With statistical significance of 0.001, when considered individual aspect, it was found that factor for creating Three-years development plan in terms of communication affect the effectiveness of Three-years development plan with statistical significance of 0.01, terms of knowledge and understanding of plan making affect the effectiveness of Three-years development plan with statistical significance of .05

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How to Cite
รังวิจี ช. (2017). An effectiveness of Three-Year Development Plan, Kuinuae Sub-District Administrative Organization, KuiBuri District, PrachuapKhiri Khan Province: ประสิทธิผลในการจัดทำแผนพัฒนาสามปี ขององค์การบริหารส่วนตำบลกุยเหนือ อำเภอกุยบุรี จังหวัดประจวบคีรีขันธ์. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 8(1), 15–24. Retrieved from
Research Article