Status and Role of Subdistrict Headman and Village Headman to Cooperate with Subdistrict Municipality of Nakhon Nayok Province in Local Development Status and Role of Subdistrict Headman and Village Headman to Cooperate with Subdistrict Municipality of Nakhon Nayok Province in Local Development

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Sirikarn Iamardharn


The research objectives were to study the status and the roles of sub-district headmen and village leaders in the local development working together with Nakhon Nayok’s sub-district municipal. The study also aims to study the problems and the obstructions of the co-operation, presents the solutions on the problems, and provides the co-operation support guideline for efficient co-operations. This qualitative research studied the documents, and used an in-depth semi-structured interview from to collect data which were analyzed using a content analysis method. The research found that: the sub-district headmen and the village leaders were not regarded as government officers, but they are public officers working under the Department of Provincial Administration, Ministry of Interior Affair. Their duties were to rule, support, and be the leaders of the local communities with the important roles in developing the areas of their charges along with local municipals. Their roles included setting the municipal’s development plan, setting the public hearing for the local community development plan, setting the 4-year-municipal’s development plan, and taking roles in other co-operative events; for the problems and obstructions in co-operations between the leaders, it was found that, there was no problem arose from their working co-operations. However, the lack of good relationship among these local leaders, was the only cause of the problem. As they were under the different political parties, when they were elected and assigned to work together, they could not get along with each other working in the public activities and for the solutions on the problem and the supportive guideline for the effective co-operations between these leaders, the study would like to propose that by making the good understanding and realization on the importance of the good relationships among them, and promoting the citizen’s political participations, it could help solve such problem.

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How to Cite
Iamardharn, S. (2021). Status and Role of Subdistrict Headman and Village Headman to Cooperate with Subdistrict Municipality of Nakhon Nayok Province in Local Development : Status and Role of Subdistrict Headman and Village Headman to Cooperate with Subdistrict Municipality of Nakhon Nayok Province in Local Development . Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 12(2), 47–64. Retrieved from
Research Article


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