Management of Thai Music Learning Center by The People Sector Case Study of Thai Music Learning Center, Ban Pa Village Phranakhonsi Ayutthaya Management of Thai Music Learning Center by The People Sector Case Study of Thai Music Learning Center, Ban Pa Village Phranakhonsi Ayutthaya

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Pranisa Oundee


This article aims to study the approach to the management of a learning center to inherit the knowledge and skills of Thai music for youth. Conducting conceptual studies and related research Including relevant articles from various sources in the following points Thai music learning management and learning center management. The study concluded that Ban Pa Village Thai Music Learning Center Phra Nakhon Sri Ayutthaya It is a learning center management that operates as a learning center for local Thai music with a structured relationship of systematic learning management elements Thai Music Learning Center as a learning center and knowledge transfer Thai musical talent to the people and especially youth groups in the Ban Pa village area Phra Nakhon Sri Ayutthaya It is a valuable learning center of music. and the good culture of Thailand Managed services by musicians or band owners this is considered a management by the public sector. Therefore, the Thai Music Learning Center, Ban Pa Village Phra Nakhon Sri Ayutthaya Therefore not affiliated with any government unit.

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How to Cite
Oundee, P. (2021). Management of Thai Music Learning Center by The People Sector Case Study of Thai Music Learning Center, Ban Pa Village Phranakhonsi Ayutthaya: Management of Thai Music Learning Center by The People Sector Case Study of Thai Music Learning Center, Ban Pa Village Phranakhonsi Ayutthaya. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 12(2), 161–174. Retrieved from


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