Administrators and Risk Management of Private English Program Schools Administrators and Risk Management of Private English Program Schools

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Siriporn Saenrat
Vipaporn Poovatanakul
Sakchai Nirunthawee
Kosol Meekun


The objective of this article was to study administrators and risk management of EP private schools, operation studies, conceptual, and related research including relevant articles from various sources in the following points Risk management, benefits of risk management, roles and duties of risk management administrators, risk management process, types of risk management, success factors of risk management and School risk management. The article concluded that administrators and risk management of EP private schools were the conducting of risk management activities performed by committee, administrators, and all personnel in the organization. To control various operational activities in order to decrease the causes from opportunities that may cause damage to the organization and ability to manage the risk level which the organization accepts.  The roles and duties of the risk management administrators were to be the leaders in the direction of risk management in the organization and created understanding for people in the organization to be aware of risk crisis which everyone must do it regularly and continuously in a systematic way and push for the formulation of risk action plans to achieve the strategies and objectives of the organization, supervise and follow the risk performance to be appropriate and cover all the aspects of risk management.  

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How to Cite
Saenrat, S. ., Poovatanakul, V. ., Nirunthawee, S. ., & Meekun, K. . (2021). Administrators and Risk Management of Private English Program Schools: Administrators and Risk Management of Private English Program Schools. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 12(3), 115–126. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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