The Organization and Management to The Excellence of Local Government Organization The Organization and Management to The Excellence of Local Government Organization

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Sarun Satthananan


  Academic article on organization and management towards excellence of the local government organization the objective is to study the organization with excellent management. Along with presenting ideas, methods and approaches to management for excellence of local government organizations in various forms through a perspective based on the 7-S McKinsey model concept, which consists of 7 aspects: 1.Strategy 2.Structure 3.System 4. Figure. Style, 5. Staff, 6.Skills and 7.Shared Value for local government organizations to can be applied in accordance with the context and potential of the organization as appropriate as well as to achieve the achievement of the mission of the agency As a result, organizations can improve their efficiency and productivity. This will lead to upgrading the quality of an organization with excellent management in the future. The study found that Organizational and management excellence factors, consisting of strategy, structure, system, form people, skills and shared values. And Organization and management towards excellence The future of local government organizations consists of strategies, structures, systems, forms, people, skills and common values. 

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How to Cite
Satthananan, S. (2021). The Organization and Management to The Excellence of Local Government Organization: The Organization and Management to The Excellence of Local Government Organization. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 12(3), 139–152. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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