Well-Being and Social Networking Promotion to Reduce Health Risk Factors by Integrating Buddhism in Lop Buri Province Well-Being and Social Networking Promotion to Reduce Health Risk Factors by Integrating Buddhism in Lop Buri Province

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Phrakhru phattharadhammakun
Phramahapanya Yongying


  The research aimed to study well-being and social networking promotion to reduce health risk factors by integrating Buddhism in Lop Buri province. Data collected by summarize of lessons from the focus group discussion of 36 key informants from 6 temples/communities by purposive sampling. Using concrete, positive activities as a tool. Moreover, all data were analyzed through content analysis method. The crucial result founded that well-being and social networking promotion to reduce health risk factors by integrating Buddhism in Lop Buri province, were; 1) Building engagement; there are monks who have leadership style, vision for collaborative development. They use discussion for assign and follow up periodic operations, public relations communication to create and participate in activities encourage collaboration, 2) Developing the temple to be a center of learning and community activities; through important day activities and traditions. To create right livelihoods that promote virtue, free from smoke, alcohol, drugs and gambling. There is a space for children and youth to learn, develop their potential, work and carry on the local culture and customs. Honoring role models in the community, and 3) Application of Buddhist Dharma according to Five Precepts, Five Dharma and Dharma of householder; In accordance with the science of the King Rama 9, sufficiency economy philosophy and community context (local wisdom and community potential). Focus on target groups who are interested to learning, understanding Buddhism and put it into action.

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How to Cite
phattharadhammakun, P., & Yongying, P. . (2021). Well-Being and Social Networking Promotion to Reduce Health Risk Factors by Integrating Buddhism in Lop Buri Province: Well-Being and Social Networking Promotion to Reduce Health Risk Factors by Integrating Buddhism in Lop Buri Province. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 12(3), 81–96. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/truhusocjo/article/view/247776
Research Article


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