The Factor of New Marketing Mix Affecting Buying Decision of Plants For Home Decoration on Consumers in Working-Age Via Social Media Communications

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Rinrada Marderosian
Wilasinee Yonwikai


The purposes of this research were to study 1. The demographic data of consumers of working age who decided to buy plants for home decoration through social media 2. Factor of new marketing mix of Consumers, Social and Psychological Factors of Consumers and factors affecting consumers' purchasing decision to buy plants 3. The relationship between the psychological and social factors of working-age consumers with opinions on the new marketing mix factors 4. The psychological and social factors of consumers of working age that affect the decision to buy plants for home decoration via social media 5. The new marketing mix factors affecting the purchasing decision of plants for home decoration among working age consumers via social media. Conduct research using quantitative research with 400 sets of online questionnaires as research tool. The sample consisted of consumers of all genders, ages 19 to 54, who had experience of purchasing of plants via social media. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. And hypothesis was analyzed by using multiple regression and Pearson's correlation coefficient. The results showed that 1.The psychological and social factors of working-age consumers were correlated in the same direction as the opinions on the new marketing mix factors with a statistically significant level of .01 2. Psychological and social factors of working-age consumers influenced the decision to purchase plants for home decoration through social media at a statistically significant level of .01 and 3. Everyplace and Evangelism from new marketing mix factor are influencing the decision to buy a plants for home decoration through social media at the level of statistical significance of 0.01. And the Exchange and Experience are not influencing the decision to buy plants for home decoration through social media at statistically significant level of .05

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How to Cite
Marderosian, R. ., & Yonwikai, W. . (2022). The Factor of New Marketing Mix Affecting Buying Decision of Plants For Home Decoration on Consumers in Working-Age Via Social Media Communications. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 13(1), 147–164. Retrieved from
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