Development the Learning Activity of ASEAN Studies by Using Activity-Based Learning Approach to Enhance Active Citizen Competencies of Upper Secondary School Students

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Aimjit Muadrae
Suntorn Onrit
Dr.Chairat Tosila


    The objectives of this study were 1) to develop learning activities in ASEAN studies by using activity-based learning approach; 2) to compare active citizen competencies before and after management of learning activity; 3) to examine the satisfaction of the learners towards the learning activities. The sample of this research consisted of 26 students, who were studying in grade 12 (class no. 4), at Demonstration School of Thepsatri Rajabhat University, 2nd semester, academic year 2021. They were selected by simple random sampling technique, and classrooms was the sampling units. The tools used in the current study were as follows: learning activities in ASEAN studies using an activity-based learning approach, active citizen competencies scale, and student satisfaction questionnaire were applied, while the statistics used were efficiency (E1/E2), mean, standard deviation, and t-test.

     The research findings are: 1. ASEAN studies learning activity using the activity-based learning approach to promote active citizen competencies which consist of 4 units namely; 1) ASEAN Background 2) ASEAN Founding 3) ASEAN Today 4) ASEAN Future. 2. Active citizen competencies of high school students after using learning management of the ASEAN studies learning by using the activity-based learning approach was higher than that before using learning management of the ASEAN studies learning by using the activity-based learning approach at .05 level of significance difference. And 3. The students' satisfaction towards the ASEAN Studies learning activities using the activity-based learning approach to promote active citizen competencies were at the very-satisfied level.

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How to Cite
Muadrae, A., Onrit, S., & Tosila, C. (2022). Development the Learning Activity of ASEAN Studies by Using Activity-Based Learning Approach to Enhance Active Citizen Competencies of Upper Secondary School Students. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 13(3), 1–16. Retrieved from
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