New Leadership of Executives and Residents’ Quality of Life at Ku Ta Kai Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Pla Pak District, Nakhon Phanom Province

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Tachaya Vananabowonadet
Chitraporn Suthiworaset


  The purposes of this research were to 1. study the residents’ quality of life 2. study the new leadership of executives at Ku Ta Kai Subdistrict Administrative Organization, 3. study the comparison of the residents’ quality of life, and 4) study the relationship between the new leadership of executives and the residents’ quality of life at Ku Ta Kai Sub district Administrative Organization, Pla Pak District, Nakhon Phanom Province. The participants of this research were 383 people. The research instrument for collecting data was a 14-item questionnaire. The data obtained were analyzed by frequency, mean, standard deviation, t-distribution test, f-distribution test, multiple linear regression, and correlation.  The research reveals that 1. The overall life quality of the residents is at a rather high level; 2. The overall leadership of executives in the new era is at a rather high level; 3. The comparison of the residents classified by age and status has statistically significantly different quality of life at the .05 level; 4. The relationship between the new leadership of executives and the residents' life qualities was studied using a multiple linear regression test found that individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation, idealized influence, and inspiration motivation indicates the variance in relationship with the residents' life qualities at 65.2 percent. For the correlation statistical analysis,  it revealed that individualism and intellectuality have the positive relationship at a high level, and influence and motivation have the positive relationship at a moderate level.

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How to Cite
Vananabowonadet, T. ., & Suthiworaset, C. (2023). New Leadership of Executives and Residents’ Quality of Life at Ku Ta Kai Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Pla Pak District, Nakhon Phanom Province. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 14(2), 109–120. Retrieved from
Research Article


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