Learning and Teaching Management of Thai Dramatic Arts for Non-formal Education: Chon Buri Thai Dancing Art School

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Phurada Teeravit


   This article presents the learning management of the dancing arts course at Chon Buri Thai Dancing Art School, an institution under the control of the Ministry of Education that provides non-formal education focusing on learning about Thai dramatic art, constructing knowledge, morality, and ethics and cultivating Thai values for young people. The school's curriculum is divided into five age groups: 5 - 8, 9 - 12, 13 - 15, 16 - 18, and 19 years or older. The students learn each song suitably according to their basis and age ranges. The non-formal education curriculum of Chon Buri Thai Dancing Art School is organized by considering the students' differences. The lessons are flexible to the students' convenient date and time, and they can practice and apply them on various occasions. In addition, Thai dramatic art is a set of skills that will also help develop other aspects  for the students, such as having a good personality, being courageous in public, and having good concentration. Most importantly, the students can apply what they have learned in their work and everyday life. The non-formal education curriculum of Chon Buri Thai Dancing Art School is another choice for those young people who love Thai arts and culture and are willing to learn and develop their skills in Thai dramatic art, as well as create outstanding works and promote Thai art and culture widely in our communities, society, and country.

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How to Cite
Teeravit, P. . (2023). Learning and Teaching Management of Thai Dramatic Arts for Non-formal Education: Chon Buri Thai Dancing Art School. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 14(3), 197–210. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/truhusocjo/article/view/264431
Academic Article


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