A Participative Management Model Using 4IT Child Quality Model So As to Enhance Child Quality of Students in Ban Mi Town Municipality Kindergarten School

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Phomesak Phoemprayoon


   This research aimed 1. to study a participative management model using 4IT child quality model; 2. to develop a participative management model using 4IT child quality model to enhance child quality of students in Ban Mi Town Municipality Kindergarten School; 3. to conduct a practical test of a participative management model using 4IT child quality model, and 4. to assess a participative management model using 4IT child quality model to enhance child quality model. The population consisted of 16 teachers. The research instruments were interview 22 item assessment record form, and a 26item questionnaire. Manual Data Collection was applied. Statistics for data analysis were frequency, percentage, and content analysis.  Research results revealed that: 1. There were 165 variables of the participative management model; 2. There were 10 components from the participative management model, comprising   1) increasing communication (I), 2) increasing confidence in the school (I), 3) increasing network partners (I), 4) increasing resource mobilization (I), 5) collaborative planning (T), 6) collaborative working (T), 7) collaborative evaluation (T), 8) collaborative improvement (T), 9) Child quality (C), and 10) bringing the results to develop with coordination from all sectors. 3. After using the participative management model, the posttest mean score of child quality was higher than the pretest mean score. 4. The participative management model achieved the highest satisfaction level, passing overall assessments and all aspects.  

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How to Cite
Phoemprayoon, P. (2024). A Participative Management Model Using 4IT Child Quality Model So As to Enhance Child Quality of Students in Ban Mi Town Municipality Kindergarten School. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 15(1), 181–192. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/truhusocjo/article/view/268491
Research Article


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