The Study of Case-Based Learning Method in Intermediate Business Chinese Teaching

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Yuping Liang
Kantarat Cojorn


   This study aims to compare the spoken language communication abilities of students using traditional teaching methods versus case-based teaching methods. Additionally, it compares reading and writing abilities, as well as students' satisfaction with their instructors. The research targets a group of 40 international students at Guangxi Normal University who have completed a basic business Chinese language course. The research instruments include: 1. a 20-item spoken communication ability test, 2. a 20-item reading comprehension test, 3. a 10-item writing ability test, and 4. a 10-item student satisfaction questionnaire regarding their instructors. The statistical methods used in the study include percentages, mean scores, standard deviations, t-tests, and descriptive statistics.  The study reveals the following results: 1. A significant difference at the 0.05 level was found between the spoken language communication abilities of students taught using traditional methods and those taught using case-based methods. The average score of students taught using the case-based method was higher; 2.A significant difference at the 0.05 level was observed in the reading abilities of students between the traditional and case-based teaching methods, with the average score for the case-based method being higher; 3. A significant difference at the 0.05 level was identified in the writing abilities of students between the traditional and case-based teaching methods, with the average score for the case-based method being higher; and 4. A significant difference at the 0.05 level was found in student satisfaction with their instructors between the two teaching methods, with the average satisfaction score being higher for the case-based method.

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How to Cite
Liang, Y., & Cojorn , K. . . (2024). The Study of Case-Based Learning Method in Intermediate Business Chinese Teaching. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 15(2), 113–130. Retrieved from
Research Article


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