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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • I certify that this submitted article has not been previously published elsewhere, nor is it under consideration by any other journal.
  • I certify that the content of this article represents truthful reporting of research studies without distortion or provision of false information.
  • I certify that the article has been thoroughly checked for plagiarism, ensuring originality and integrity.
  • I certify that proper in-text citations have been included for the works of others, should they have been utilized in this manuscript, and that a bibliography has been correctly compiled at the end of the article.
  • I certify that all authors listed in the article have contributed substantially to the research study.
  • I specify the funding sources that supported this research study, if any, and provide evidence of consent to publish data from the research sponsors.
  • I have reviewed and certified the ethical compliance with human research ethics, animal research ethics, and/or other relevant research ethics committees for this research project.
  • I have submitted the article as a Microsoft Word file, formatted according to the template provided by the journal.
  • I have thoroughly reviewed the article to ensure completeness, clarity of illustrations, and compliance with the formatting requirements specified by the journal.

The process of submitting an article requires authors to fill out a Letter of Undertaking for Submitting Academic Work, which must be submitted along with the complete manuscript through the website https://www.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/aja.

You can download the Letter of Undertaking for Submitting Academic Work here.

Guidelines for Writing Articles:

  1. General Requirements: The article should be in Thai and clearly divided into sections with headings, from Introduction to Conclusion, and should be numbered sequentially. The font used should be TH Sarabun New. The first page of the article should include the title, author's name, institution, contact email, abstract, and keywords. The second page should contain the same information but in English. The content should be single-columned with specified margins (1.5 inches on the left and 1 inch on the right, top, and bottom). The text should be well-organized, with no more than 15 pages on A4 paper.

  2. Main Title: The main title should be in bold, 18-point font size, aligned to the right margin. For English titles, capitalize the first letter of nouns, verbs, and adjectives, leaving one line space below the main title.

  3. Author's Name, Institution, and Email: The author's name, institution, and email should be placed below the main title, aligned to the right margin, in 16-point bold and italic font size for names and institutions. In cases where multiple authors are from different institutions, list the institution under each author's name, with the email below the institution.

  4. Abstract: The abstract title should be in bold, 16-point font size. The abstract content should use 14-point font size, single-spaced, with one line space between the title and content. The abstract should not exceed 200 words in both Thai and English.

  5. Keywords: Keywords should be in 14-point bold font size, followed by regular 14-point font size, with a maximum of 5 keywords. Separate keywords with commas, with only English abstract keywords in parentheses.

  6. Section Headings: 6.1 For first-level headings (e.g., Introduction, Conclusion, Bibliography), use 16-point bold font size, aligned to the left margin, with one line space after the heading. 6.2 For second-level headings, use 14-point bold font size, aligned to the left margin, with one line space after the heading. 6.3 Use third-level headings sparingly. When necessary, use 14-point bold font size, aligned to the left margin, followed by the text on the same line.

  7. Content: The content under each heading should use 14-point regular font size, single-spaced, justified, with one line space between paragraphs.

  8. Figures and Tables: Figures, diagrams, maps, or graphs should be labeled as "Figure" with bold, 12-point font size, followed by regular 12-point font size for the figure caption or table title. Use "Figure 1" or "Table 1" with single numbering, followed by the figure or table title in italics, 12-point regular font size. If referencing is required, include the source below the figure or table in 10-point italics font size.

    As the Academic Journal of  Architecture accepts articles containing images and tables in electronic format, they should be in TIFF and JPEG formats with a minimum resolution of 5 megabytes. They should be printable in black and white while remaining understandable to readers. Unclear or blurry graphics or images where text is unreadable may be omitted by the editorial board. Any images or tables used in the article must be referenced in the text and should be of an appropriate size to fit within a single column width, not exceeding 13 centimeters for a full column or 6.5 centimeters for a half column, unless it's a map, which may be larger. The number of images in the article should be kept to a necessary minimum, as the total number of article pages should not exceed 15.

  9. English Terms: Use English terms only where necessary. Translate English terms into Thai, following the Royal Institute Dictionary's guidelines. Use parentheses for English terms, capitalizing proper nouns, institutions, and technical terms. Ensure consistency in English term usage throughout the article.

  10. References: All references should be in English using APA 7th edition style. Footnotes should be in TH Sarabun New, 10-point font size, and should not exceed 4 lines.

  11. In academic writing, citations must be in English, both in-text and in the bibliography, using 14-point regular font size according to the APA 7th edition format. In cases where footnotes are used, Roman numerals of TH Sarabun New font, size 10, should be used, and the footnote should be placed at the bottom of the same page. The length of the footnote should not exceed 4 lines.
  12. Corrections: Articles that do not follow the above guidelines will be returned for revision before consideration for review and publication. Failure to meet revision deadlines may result in exclusion from the publication process for that issue.

  13. Article Length: The total article length should not exceed 15 pages of A4 paper.

Authors can download the Submission Criteria, Evaluation Criteria, and Writing Guidelines here.

Authors can download the Article Writing Template here.

ผู้แต่งสามารถดาวน์โหลด Template การเขียนบทความได้ที่นี่ (ไทย)

Authors can download the Reference List and Bibliography Writing Guidelines here.