Review Process

Articles submitted for publication in the Journal of Architectural Studies must undergo a quality assessment process. The review will be conducted by two experts in the relevant field using a double-blind peer review method, which typically takes around 30 days. The evaluation results are categorized into four types:

  1. Articles accepted for publication without revision
  2. Articles accepted for publication with minor revisions
  3. Articles accepted for publication with major revisions
  4. Articles rejected for publication

The reviewers' comments will be sent to the author upon request and if revisions are necessary, to guide the improvement of the article's quality. The author is responsible for revising the article until it meets the reviewers' approval.

In the event of a dispute between the author and the reviewers, the editorial board will convene a meeting to discuss the issue, with the editor-in-chief having the final decision-making authority.

Once the article is ready for publication, the editorial board will send an acceptance letter to inform the author of the publication status within 30 days after the review process is completed.

If an article that has passed the review process is withdrawn by the author, the author will be responsible for covering any compensation fees incurred by the qualified reviewers, as supported by actual payment records.