Chulalongkorn University Centenary in Maps and Aerial Photographs

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บัณฑิต จุลาสัย
รัชดา โชติพานิช


Chulalongkorn University’s campus was originally occupied by the palace of H.R.H. Prince Maha Vajirunahis, the Crown Prince, who was the son of H.M. King Chulalongkorn, who built the palace in Pathumwan fields.  Subsequently the palace became offices for various government bodies such as the Siamese State Railway, the Survey Department, and the School of Agriculture.  In the reign of King Mahavajiravudh, the king granted the land to the new Civil Service College, which was later elevated into Chulalongkorn University on March 26th, 1916.Chulalongkorn University’s campus was originally occupied by the palace of H.R.H. Prince Maha Vajirunahis, the Crown Prince, who was the son of H.M. King Chulalongkorn, who built the palace in Pathumwan fields.  Subsequently the palace became offices for various government bodies such as the Siamese State Railway, the Survey Department, and the School of Agriculture.  In the reign of King Mahavajiravudh, the king granted the land to the new Civil Service College, which was later elevated into Chulalongkorn University on March 26th, 1916. This paper describes physical changes in the century-long period through an analysis of historic maps and aerial photographs, from 1887 to the present: maps dated 1887, 1897, 1907, 1910, 1932, 1969, and 2007, as well as aerial photographs taken in 1952, 1987, 2000, and 2016. Distinct physical changes on the University grounds are noted, especially changes in the built forms, open spaces, and waterways.

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