Lesson Learned from a Lighting Design Workshop in Vientiane

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พรรณชลัท สุริโยธิน


This paper describes the Lighting Design Workshop held in Vientiane, Laos PDR, on July 8-19, 2014. The workshop was one of several academic collaborations between the Faculty of Architecture, University of Laos and the Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University, using the National Library of Laos, a significant historic building, as a case study. The objective of the workshop was to promote knowledge exchange between the students from both institutions, and to create an experience of learning between ASEAN countries.

The lighting design workshop was a good example of integrative studies as it could blend many topics of study through new experiences, information, and perspectives into the learners’ total understanding, emphasizing holistic contents and constructing learners’ knowledge in a short period of time.

The outcome of this lighting design workshop helps students achieve a better understanding of the lighting design process through the final presentation to the public. As the National library of Laos is a well-known building, the presentation was of interest and very much impressed by all participants from both universities. Therefore, this workshop was an example of integrative studies both academic and relationship between universities in ASEAN Community.

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