Differences of the Outpatient Department, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department and Pediatrics Department: A Case Study of Medical School Hospitals, Public Hospitals, and Private Hospitals

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Pakwan Roopkaew
Traiwat Viryasiri


This article aimed to study the physical characteristics, layout planning, space usage, and problems in using the area of the obstetrics and gynecology department and pediatrics department to analyze factors that affect the physical characteristics and layout planning in three types of hospitals including medical school hospitals, public hospitals and private hospitals. There was a visit to the area of the case study for survey and observation and interviews with experts and the area users to collect data to be used in data processing, analysis, conclusion and discussion of the results. The study indicates that medical school hospitals separated the obstetrics department from gynecology department to better accommodate patients. This is different from private hospitals that combine both departments into a single obstetrics and gynecology department. Furthermore, based on the survey of public hospitals, it was found that there was no restroom for patients in the department, and this caused those patients to have to use the shared restroom at the outpatient department in order to change clothes and wash themselves. In parts of the pediatrics department, it was found that medical school hospitals and many private hospitals have a separation of waiting areas for service users who are healthy and children from those who are sick in order to reduce the chance of transmission. In addition, there were different comments from service users and designers whether there should be a play area in the pediatrics department or not.

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