Collaboration with the Community in the Conservation of Prasat Phanom Wan

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กฤษณุ ผโลปกรณ์


National cultural heritage conservation and maintenance are critical missions that all parts of society need to take care. Building up understanding and cooperation with the public and local agencies is an important mechanism to achieve a balance between conservation and development. This paper aims to establish the process of building up partnership with the community in the conservation and development of Prasat Phanom Wan, Nakhon Ratchasima province to set as guideline for the historic site preservation by community involvement.

Prasat Phanom Wan is not only an historical evidence, but also an important archaeological site for academics. Having been restored by the Department of Fine Arts with the aim of achieving the perfect conditions, it is also hoped that local community will be involved in the conservation process of this important historic site. Examination of local community’s development projects in the past reveals not only a total ignorance of conservation matters, but also a lack of effective coordination and cooperation among participant agencies. Accordingly, this paper suggests a rigorous community participation process such as the establishment of various youth activities, and a collaborative development plan in compliance with historic preservation.

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